If you have computer access at home, we have recommended a couple of websites for your child to practice their typing skills on. Some of these sites can easily be located by going to the Hudsonville Public School Website homepage. Look for the link that reads Elementary Web Links
- Dance Mat Typing http://www.bbc.co.uk/
- Typing Practice (lessons, games, and typing tests)http://www.
freetypinggame.net ) - Bauer Elementary - All the Right Type (student’s school username and password is needed)
* If you need Bauer’s school code it is: usamihudso274
It is very important that your child is using the correct fingering when they practice their typing so as not to fall into a bad habit of using the incorrect fingers.
Hudsonville Public Schools has set the following goals in keyboarding for your elementary child:
Fifth Grade has a typing goal of 20 words per minute by the end of the school year.
Fourth Grade has a typing goal of 15 words per minute by the end of the school year.
Third Grade has a typing goal of 10 words per minute by the end of the school year.