TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11 - BPC Jet's Pizza Night A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Bauer which will help fund activities, supplies, and events for our students. When ordering, please tell them that you are from Bauer and your classroom teacher's name. This is a fun competition for a class pizza party!
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 - Early Release Day (12:15 pm Dismissal), Wear your Bauer T-Shirt
MONDAY, DECEMBER 17 & TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 - Secret Santa Shop (watch for details)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 - Holiday Parties, Wear Red/Green
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 - Pajama Day
DECEMBER 24-JANUARY 4 - Holiday Break (school resumes on January 7, 2019)
Dear Bauer Families,

It is with great joy and sadness that I enter retirement from public education after working with energetic, uninhibited, and spontaneous children for over 36 years. The program last evening was a metaphor of my career. Hundreds of student voices coming together in one clear resounding song signified our children that come from diverse backgrounds and create one classroom and school family that takes on unique and obvious character traits.
The props and instruments our little ones showcased are like the academic, social, and emotional skills we intentionally equip each child so that they are contributing members of our school, community, and society.
As witnessed by the audience, every community has the serious, silly, shy, confident, humorous (the list goes on!) member. Watching our individual students on stage made clear the necessity of diversity of personality and talent. How blessed we are to have talents and personality as many, and unique, as our children.
Mrs. VanRijs and Mr. Bowman represented the adults that guide, prepare, and nurture us to be the very best we can be. Leaders that give us multiple opportunities to demonstrate what we are capable of, even when it means starting a song over again!
Lastly, the audience is symbolic of our village. The quote by Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has", has hung in my office for as long as I can recall. Each and every one present contributes to changing the world.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing me the awesome privilege of serving at your pleasure for over three years. I will miss the students, staff, families, and friends of Bauer Elementary,
Best regards,
Julie VanBergen

If you would like to purchase a DVD of the Bauer Holiday Program, please send $15.00 in an envelope labeled Holiday DVD and your child's name by Friday, December 14. (Checks made out to WCET-TV).
Please check out the Lost and Found at Bauer. After the first of the year, we will be donating all items. Thank you!
Win a $25 Gift Card by placing a Bauer SCRIP order (This month only!)
Orders are due Wednesday, December 5 and will be available for you on December 13th. Place your online order: (Bauer enrollment code - 817E45BA6L851) or return your paper order form and a check. Gift cards make great teacher gifts! If you have questions, please email
Our Parent Club is looking for donations of Christmas gift bags/tissue/tape for the Secret Santa Shop. Please send them to school by Friday, December 14. They are also in need of MANY volunteers to shop with students and/or wrap presents on December 17 & 18. Please click on go/10c054ca9af2aaafb6-santas1 to sign up. Thank you!
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